An Angel Called Breakthrough

I am currently writing a book all about the unseen, mystical realm. If you have read all my blogs or my book As It Is In Heaven, you will know that the ability to see in the unseen realm has been with me for almost as long as I can remember. I am also teaching a weekly module on the topic at our School of the Prophets. It is safe to say that I am pretty focused on the unseen realm right now.

Last month I had an encounter with an angel of breakthrough and this last Sunday, prompted by the Holy Spirit, I felt I should release that angel to work among our congregation. It was a pretty powerful time and some of the testimonies I have received have been amazing.

Below I’ll describe what I see when encountering this angel.

Angels of Breakthrough:

“There are numerous angels of breakthrough. We are assigned to individuals and churches with the authority to break walls that are stopping divine mandates."

 (What I see is a believer with an assignment and there is a wall built around that assignment. It is a wall built by human hands that is made up of words, decrees and beliefs. Each brick is either one of these or a combination of 2 or more. I see the same for churches, there is a wall around a spearhead, rendering it useless OR making it harder to pierce through with the assignment.

This angel carries with him what looks like a wrecking ball on a short chain. It is short because this is a close contact engagement, it is not done from afar. The ball is chipped, metal like, solid but also capable of piercing. It can become like liquid and pierce through a crack or hole in the wall to touch the heart of the individual or church. His feet are enormous and his boots are studded with cleats to stand firm.)

In our search for breakthrough in our destinies, I am as guilty as everyone else in waiting for someone or something to remove the obstacle for me. But what became clear to me was that the responsibility to remove the walls is a partnership between heavens messengers and us. The job of an angel is not to make it easy. Remember the promise God gave Moses and the nation of Israel? That an angel would go before them yet they still had to do real battle, they still had to fight? You must partner with heaven, it won’t be easy, but the angels are there to make the impossible, possible.

It won’t be easy, but it is to make the impossible, possible!

It can feel to me like an extension of the old heresy of Gnosticism. The dualistic view where the physical and the spiritual are totally separate. But if we accept that they are both always present, always real in our everyday life, then of course it is not just us waiting for rescue. We get to partner with heaven! We get to change our words, decrees and beliefs to align with heaven and receive heavens help. The crazy thing is that it doesn't have to be a total 180 degree adjustment. It just has to be enough to allow Breakthrough to do his thing.
